Shot Viking Drakkar 25g
Usual RRP: £79.95
Darts Drop: from £27.99
How it works
When you order a Mystery Darts Box, you get a random set of high quality, used, steel tip darts.
All darts are from the best brands and have a minimum RRP of £44.95 so you get a great deal!
Darts will usually be used, in good condition, although sometimes we send brand new darts.
Mystery Box Options
Bronze - x1 set
Silver - x2 sets
Gold - x5 sets
What you'll receive
Quality Brands
Brands of darts that you might get include (but are not limited to):
Guaranteed Value
We all know that brand new darts are EXPENSIVE!
Mystery Darts Boxes offer great value because you get a set of darts for much less than their usual price.
We aim to offer darts that have a minimum RRP of £44.95 but some of our darts have RRP values of over £100!
Subscribe Discounts
Want to get darts delivered every month?
With our subscribe option, you get FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS!
Suprise yourself or a loved one with new sets each month when you subscribe today!
Select a package:
Bronze: 1 set of darts
Silver: 2 sets of darts
Gold: 5 sets of darts
Choose either:
One-off package
Monthly subscription (great discounts!)
You'll receive:
Sets of high quality, used, steel tip darts from the best brands!
Enjoy your darts at great prices!
Our mystery darts boxes give you a random set of used, high quality, steel tip darts from a number of top brands, along with flights and stems.
On some occasions, the darts will be new or close to new.
Mystery Darts Boxes are a great way to get a quality set of darts at a price less than what you would generally buy them for brand new.
It is also a great way to suprise yourself with a random set of darts that you might not usually experience.
A Mystery Darts Box also makes a great gift for a friend or loved one!
The subscription packages give you the same quality darts as the one-time package, but on a monthly recurring basis and with a great discounted price!
Most of our darts are used but are in good condition. Occasionally we also suprise customers with new darts.
These are some of the common brands you might get:
We only offer steel tip darts
We aim for (but can't guarantee) a minimum RRP value of £44.95 on all of our darts. Some can be worth way more than this.
Yes. They will either come with Darts Drop flights and stems or the original ones they came with.
No, we provide a random selection of darts.
However, we will ensure you don't receive the same set of darts again if you make multiple orders.
We currently ship worldwide
Yes. You can cancel or pause your subscription after you have completed one month of the subscription service (in addition to your initial order).
To do this, please contact us or log in to your portal.